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Writer's pictureMatthew Project

Short Story #2

female teenager on phone
"I was 15 when I was referred to the Matthew Project by the safeguarding lead at my school. I needed help to stop smoking cannabis. I'd been smoking for a couple of years and couldn’t do it on my own.  
I live with my Mum. She and Dad split up. They were always arguing when they were together. I didn't like it. The memories of shouting and the fact that it didn’t leave much time for me was one of the reasons I started smoking. I felt like cutting and I did sometimes. I was getting bad marks at school, I didn’t want to go, I felt that school was the last place I wanted to be. Cannabis use was affecting my mental health, and I felt anxious and struggled to sleep. 
I first smoked cannabis after school. Most of my friends had tried it. Then I would hang out with older mates, and sometimes we smoked at my home. It was hard to say no when they asked. My mum felt helpless to do anything. There was concern about county lines involvement. Then I became at risk of being excluded from school for inappropriate behaviour and no attendance. That's when I asked for help. 
The first session with The Matthew Project was about them getting to know me and introducing me to the service. Building a trusting relationship is an important part of their initial work as young people can often feel uncomfortable sharing details about themselves with a professional, they just met.  
They asked lots of questions to build a better picture of my life which helped them to create a support plan with me. We wrote down the goals that I wanted to achieve and what would help to get me there. My priorities were to cut down on substance use, improve my mental health, get support with my education, and improve my friend and family relationships. The process wasn’t too formal which put me at ease.  
Me and my worker focused on improving my eating habits and sleeping pattern. I started exercising daily for 20 mins, came off my phone before bed and kept my room tidy. I started to feel less tired in the mornings...  Then my worker helped me get back into football which was great because I stopped wanting to smoke so much and I got my appetite back!  
After checking with me, my worker also had a chat with my mum as I was worried about telling the older mates that they couldn't come to my house to smoke. It helped her understand how to help me and we have a much better relationship now. 
Me and my mum found Unity service really helpful. I think not only did it help with my cannabis use but also with my anxiety and low mood... and it's kept me at school, so I stand a better chance of getting my GCSE's! 
I have cut down on my usage massively, although I still smoke sometimes. Unity have kept my case open so I can continue with the support when I need it, which is really reassuring to know. Big thanks to everyone from The Matthew Project that helped me."

Do you feel like your worried that your own drug/alcohol use is having a significant impact on you or others around you? If so, click on the button below to see how we can help.

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